Puzzles & Survival



12+ AGE


  • Platform
    Android IOS
  • Last Updated
    July 24, 2023
  • Size
  • Current Version
  • Developer
    37GAMES Interactive Entertainment
  • Ratings


Puzzles & Survival: Z Express is an engaging mobile game that combines the elements of match-three puzzles and strategic survival gameplay. Developed by a team of skilled designers and published by a renowned gaming company, the game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where players must navigate through challenges and puzzles to survive and rebuild their civilization. The game features stunning graphics, immersive storytelling, and innovative gameplay mechanics that set it apart from other mobile games in the genre.
New Gameplay Elements:
Puzzles & Survival: Z Express introduces several new gameplay elements that add depth and excitement to the overall experience:
Puzzle Mechanics: The core gameplay revolves around solving match-three puzzles. Players must strategically match tiles of the same type to unleash powerful attacks, gather resources, and heal their characters.
Survival Strategy: Beyond the puzzle aspect, the game incorporates survival strategy elements. Players need to manage resources, gather food, water, and other essential items to sustain their characters and develop their camp.
Hero Collection and Development: Players can recruit and collect various heroes, each with unique abilities and skills. As they progress, players can level up and upgrade these heroes to enhance their performance in battles and resource gathering.
Base Building: Constructing and upgrading the base is crucial for long-term survival. Players can expand and develop their base with different structures, each offering various benefits and advantages.
Real-time PvP Battles: The game features real-time player versus player (PvP) battles where players can challenge each other and compete to climb the leaderboards. These battles test players' strategic prowess and hero capabilities against live opponents.
Guild System: Players can join or create guilds to collaborate with other survivors. Guild members can assist each other in battles, share resources, and participate in exclusive guild events.
Resource Scavenging: In addition to puzzles and battles, players can send out scavengers to explore the wasteland and gather valuable resources. These resources are essential for survival and base development.
The Hardest Part of the Game:
Despite its captivating gameplay and various new elements, the most challenging aspect of Puzzles & Survival: Z Express lies in the later stages of the game. As players progress through the levels and reach higher difficulty tiers, they encounter formidable enemies and complex puzzles that require more strategic planning and better-equipped heroes.
Difficulty Spike: The game gradually increases in difficulty, presenting players with tough opponents and puzzle configurations that demand quick thinking and well-coordinated moves.
Resource Management: As players expand their base and upgrade heroes, managing resources becomes increasingly crucial. Balancing resource allocation between hero upgrades, base improvements, and other necessities becomes a delicate task.
Competitive PvP: Climbing the ranks in PvP battles requires not only skilled gameplay but also having a well-rounded team of heroes and a deep understanding of their abilities.
Time Management: The game often includes time-sensitive events and limited-time challenges, making efficient time management essential for maximizing rewards and progress.
Overcoming these challenges requires dedication, strategic planning, and perhaps some trial and error. Staying engaged with the game's community and seeking advice from experienced players can also aid in tackling the game's toughest obstacles.
Puzzles & Survival: Z Express offers a thrilling blend of match-three puzzles and survival strategy in a post-apocalyptic setting. The game's new and innovative gameplay elements, such as hero collection, base building, and real-time PvP battles, provide players with an immersive and engaging experience. While the game's difficulty increases over time, overcoming these challenges with skill and ingenuity is ultimately rewarding and keeps players coming back for more adventures in the wasteland.

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How To Play

Puzzles & Survival: Z Express is a challenging game that combines puzzle-solving and strategic survival elements. Clearing the first and second levels can be quite daunting, but with the right approach and some useful tips, you can achieve success. Here are some strategies to help you conquer these levels and progress further in the game:
Understand the Game Mechanics: Familiarize yourself with the game's mechanics, including how to match tiles and create combos. Learn about different tile types and their effects to plan your moves more strategically.
Formulate a Strategy: Before starting a level, assess the objective and obstacles. Plan your moves in advance to optimize your actions and maximize your chances of success.
Prioritize Objectives: In each level, you may have different objectives, such as defeating enemies or gathering resources. Prioritize these objectives and focus on achieving them while keeping an eye on your overall progress.
Upgrade and Level Up: Strengthen your characters and resources by leveling them up and upgrading their abilities. Stronger characters and higher-tier resources will give you an advantage in clearing levels
Use Power-Ups Wisely: The game offers power-ups and special abilities that can turn the tide in your favor. Use them strategically when facing tough challenges or when trying to complete an objective quickly.
Manage Resources: Keep track of your resources and use them judiciously. Don't overspend or waste resources on unnecessary upgrades or actions.
Join a Guild: Joining a guild can provide various benefits, including access to guild-exclusive events and rewards. Collaborating with other players can also help you gain insights and strategies for tackling challenging levels.
Complete Daily Quests and Events: Participate in daily quests and events to earn extra rewards and resources. These rewards can aid you in your progression through the levels.
Study Enemy Abilities: Pay attention to the abilities and attack patterns of your enemies. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses will help you form better strategies to counter them effectively.
Replay Levels for Mastery: If you struggle to clear a level, don't be discouraged. Replay the level to improve your skills and experiment with different strategies.
Take Breaks: If you find yourself getting frustrated or stuck on a level, take a short break. Returning with a fresh perspective can often lead to better problem-solving.
Participate in Community Activities: Engage with the game's community through forums, social media, or in-game chats. Players often share valuable tips and strategies that can be immensely helpful.
Stay Updated with Game Changes: Game developers may release updates or balance changes that could impact your gameplay. Stay informed about these changes to adjust your strategies accordingly.
Have Fun: Remember that games are meant to be enjoyable. Embrace the challenge, learn from your mistakes, and celebrate your successes.
By applying these tips, you'll improve your skills and increase your chances of clearing the first and second levels of Puzzles & Survival: Z Express. Remember that perseverance and adaptability are key to mastering any game, so keep practicing and refining your strategies as you progress through the game. Good luck and have fun!




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