My Child Lebensborn



7+ AGE


  • Platform
    Android IOS
  • Last Updated
    Jul 25, 2023
  • Size
  • Current Version
  • Developer
    Sarepta Studio
  • Ratings


"My Child Lebensborn" is a poignant and emotionally charged simulation game developed by Sarepta Studio. Set in the aftermath of World War II, the game offers players a unique and thought-provoking experience as they assume the role of a guardian raising a child born in the Lebensborn program. This immersive narrative-driven game delves into the complexities of parenthood, identity, and the lingering impact of war on innocent lives.
The game is set in Norway, specifically in the years following World War II. Players take on the role of a caretaker responsible for raising a child born as part of the Lebensborn program—a real-life Nazi initiative aimed at fostering Aryan children. The child's origins are shrouded in mystery and stigma, as their biological parents' involvement with the program is revealed through subtle hints and the narrative unfolds.
The gameplay of "My Child Lebensborn" revolves around nurturing and forming a strong bond with the child under your care. Players are tasked with making decisions that affect the child's emotional well-being, education, and outlook on life. These decisions range from providing physical care to answering the child's questions about their origins and addressing the prejudice they face from society.
The game tackles complex themes such as identity, prejudice, innocence, and the long-lasting effects of war on individuals and families. As players navigate the challenges of raising a child who is a product of war, they are confronted with moral dilemmas and the difficult task of shielding the child from the harsh realities of their past. The emotional impact of the game is profound, as players become emotionally invested in the child's well-being and struggle with the choices they must make.
The choices players make throughout the game have a direct impact on the child's development and their relationship with the player character. The child's emotional state, attitudes, and behaviors are influenced by the player's decisions, fostering a sense of responsibility and attachment. Each choice also contributes to multiple possible endings, adding replay value and encouraging players to explore different paths.
The game's art style is understated yet evocative, capturing the somber and introspective atmosphere of post-war Norway. The visual design is complemented by a haunting and emotionally charged soundtrack that enhances the player's immersion in the narrative. The combination of visuals and music effectively conveys the emotional weight of the story.
Beyond its entertainment value, "My Child Lebensborn" serves as a historical and educational tool. It sheds light on lesser-known aspects of history, such as the Lebensborn program, and encourages players to reflect on the consequences of war on the lives of innocent individuals. The game prompts players to confront the ethical challenges faced by the characters, fostering empathy and understanding.

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How To Play

The game begins with you selecting the child's gender and name. You then assume the role of their caretaker, responsible for their emotional well-being and development. The child, named Klaus or Karin, comes with their own set of emotional needs, questions, and fears related to their origins and identity. Your decisions and interactions shape their personality and outlook on life.
Interacting with the child is the core of the gameplay. You'll find yourself engaging in various activities such as talking, playing, and giving gifts. Pay attention to their emotional states, indicated by icons, and respond accordingly. Comfort them when they're sad, encourage them when they're anxious, and provide support when they're curious. Building a strong bond with the child is essential for their well-being and personal growth.
The choices you make throughout the game have a significant impact on the child's development and the outcome of the story. You'll often be faced with moral dilemmas and challenging decisions that reflect the harsh realities of the post-war society. Choose your responses carefully, as they affect the child's self-esteem, relationships, and overall happiness. Be prepared for the consequences of your actions, as they shape the narrative and determine various endings.
As you progress, you'll need to manage the child's needs, such as food, hygiene, and education. Keep an eye on their hunger and hygiene meters, and ensure they have access to proper nutrition and clean surroundings. You'll also help them with their homework, which impacts their learning and future prospects. Balancing these practical aspects with emotional support is key to raising a well-rounded child.
The child faces prejudice from a society still grappling with the aftermath of the war. You'll need to address their questions about their origins and help them cope with the challenges they encounter. Provide honest answers while considering the child's emotional state. Your responses influence their understanding of their identity and the world around them.
"My Child Lebensborn" offers multiple endings based on the choices you make. Each playthrough leads to different outcomes, showcasing the impact of your decisions on the child's life. Experiment with different choices to discover various story arcs and uncover the depths of the narrative.
As you navigate the game's challenges, remember that "My Child Lebensborn" aims to foster empathy and understanding. Put yourself in the shoes of the child and consider the emotional weight of your decisions. Reflect on the historical context and the ethical dilemmas faced by the characters.




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